Friday, 29 November 2013

Biiiig update!

Soooo the last time I posted on here was almost SIX months ago... I didn't realize it had been that long. But I'm planning on getting back into blogging as much as possible as I currently have a lot of free time on my hands, but first I thought I should write out an 'Update' post for anyone who is interested!
If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr you probably already know what I'm going to write here... Haha.

First, I moved out with my boyfriend and my cat into a cute little house which is pretty exciting. We had been planning on it for a while and finally got round to actually doing it... seeing as we have nearly been together 4 years, it was about time really! 

All of our new home cards! :)

cute cat tray I got from the bootsale for 10p 

Little jars. 

I <3 tea cushion! 

Cake stand and salt & pepper shakers, from Dunelm Mill. 

Cute saucers & sandwich plates, all for £1 from a charity shop!

The desk area

My baby girl in the new garden! 

Stopping me from watching TV

Decorating the bedroom! 

My new bed looking all cuuuute!

Next, in September I turned 21 years old! Didn't do much for my birthday but I had a lovely day with my family and boyfriend all the same and I was really very spoiled too!

And lastly, and definitely the biggest thing.... I am having a baby! This meant I couldn't start my degree course at university in September and I couldn't drink on my 21st (booo!) but it will alllll be worth it! I'm due on January 15th and unfortunately don't know 100% if I'm having a baby boy or girl, but I think it's going to be a girl... the lady who did the scan said there were 'No obvious boy parts but it's hard to tell', and knowing my luck I'd buy lots of cute dresses and paint the nursery pink and she would come out a he! Haha. So for now I'm trying my best to play it safe.

Baby clothes! I couldn't resist picking up the strawberry print clothes from TKmaxx 
(plz be a girllll)
Got some really cute knitted hats & blankets from the bootsale too!

Me and Liam as babies, wondering who our little one will look like...

Ikea cuddly toys and a sweet bunny night light!

Bump photos! & my cat cuddling my bump ahha

Sooooo there it is! A lot going on for me at the moment but now I have internet in my new house and everythings a little more settled I do plan to get back to blogging. I plan for my blog to stay pretty similar with personal style posts, charity shop posts, occasional makeup posts etc. but there will probably be more home related things thrown in and of course the bump will be present in any outfit posts! 
Sorry all of the photos were from Instagram too, it was just the easiest way to update!
Lastly, thank youuuuuu to my new followers, I've been pretty shocked at the occasion emails to my phone saying that I have new followers on here as I haven't posted in so long but thank you thank you thank youuuu :)

Love Charlotte x

1 comment:

  1. you look so cute, nice pics!!
